The League of Arab States honors Dr. Ahmed Khalil, Chairman of the Board of Trustees

  • 2020-11-22
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The General Union of Arab Producers of the League of Arab States granted Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim Khalil the title of Advisor to the Division of Arab Creators in the Arab World.

In support of his educational and scientific career in the Arab Gulf region,

Because of his multiple contributions in the field of building many educational edifices inside and outside the Arab world, and his great contribution to supporting the educational movement locally and regionally.

Dr. Samir Abdel Razek, Head of the Arab Creators Division, said:

It is through the Arab Creators Division’s monitoring of Dr. Ahmed’s educational and creative career and due to his contributions and efforts in enriching the intellectual and scientific movement at the Arab and global levels.

We are honored to nominate His Excellency to obtain the title of Adviser to the Division of Arab Creators in the Arab World.

In a related context

The advisor of the Arab Creators Division, Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim Khalil, expressed his deep thanks to Dr. Ibrahim Abu Zekry, President of the General Union of Arab Producers, and thanks to Dr. Samir Abdel Razek, Head of the Arab Creators Division, and to the League of Arab States for the honor that gives a clear picture of the Union’s role in supporting and encouraging Arab creators in all fields.

Dr. Ahmed added that everything in our world and in our Arab world is changing very quickly, and the most important factor that plays a role in this change is “information. I also, through my great educational career, adopt a modern philosophy by following teaching methods that exalt the value of self-learning, and learning within a “team”, which leads to the satisfaction derived from success and joint achievement during the learning process, as I always strive to be the experience of the student who goes through the most beautiful stages His life while he was in my various educational institutions with a joyful experience full of practicing all activities that refine his personality and help him build his future by focusing the educational institutions I own on helping the student to assert his humanity by helping others around him and standing next to them using his scientific specialization, and teaching him the value of “giving” And the happiness derived from him is to the same degree that he learned “taking” in earlier stages of his life, and I also strive higher than the value of truth and justice and that there is no diligence without return, and no return without diligence, and at the same time we must help the seeker of knowledge with all possible and with all strength as long as Committed to our principles and our Arab and Islamic ethics.