university objectives

The yayasan sekolah tinggi ilmu dan teknologi arab group aims to actively contribute to bringing about qualitative changes in the field of higher education and scientific research in the Republic of Yemen so that this field reaches its advanced ability to meet the needs of plans, visions and programs for economic and social development from specialized cadres in all sciences and human and applied knowledge through :

  • Follow up on modern scientific and technological developments.
  • Contribute to the preparation of specialized cadres in all areas needed by Yemeni and Arab society.
  • Accommodate high school graduates and reduce the burden on the government sector.
  • Activating the linking of the university to the community through active participation in raising and developing the competencies and capabilities of government institutions and all other economic sector institutions.
  • Preparing accounting economic feasibility studies, designing computer systems, providing administrative, economic and accounting advice, and providing specialized experts according to the needs of each institution.
  • Contribute to the development of higher education in its various disciplines and branches.
  • Supporting social, health, political and scientific institutions with distinguished academic and practical competencies in various fields and specializations.
  • The use of living languages in teaching in various educational programs and the rehabilitation of students to face the challenges of the age and its techniques, sciences, arts and literature along with their original Arabic language.
  • Providing students with practical training that allows them to have direct experience and sufficient flexibility in the fields of specialization.
  • Providing types of intermediate and higher university academic education in various technical sciences so that both training and education programs are achieved in proportion to the development needs.
  • Giving the opportunity to students who have been deprived of university education, especially females and children of remote and rural areas.
  • Supporting the dissemination of Arab and Islamic civilization among the various peoples of the earth by focusing on cultural, religious and historical disciplines and presenting them in their correct form.