Resolution establishing the Supreme Council of the Arab University of Science and Technology Group in the United Arab Emirates, the Emirate of Fujairah

  • 2019-12-26
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Based on the developments and expansion carried out by the Arab League for Science and Technology group in opening different universities in several Arab and Asian countries, the Board of Trustees of the Arab League for Science and Technology group met and in the presence of all its members. On all universities affiliated to the group.

Provided that one of the tasks of the Supreme Council of the Arab League Group is the final ratification of the signature of the President of the University and the accreditation of the Ministry of Higher Education in the universities affiliated with the group, which issues the scientific certificate in all its degrees, the diploma, the bachelor’s, the master’s and the doctorate.

A special committee has been formed, comprising an elite of experts and specialists, whose objective is to submit recommendations to the Supreme Council to ratify or not scientific certificates issued by the Arab Universities of Science and Technology affiliated with the group.

With this decision, all universities affiliated with the Arab League Group for Science and Technology are linked to the Supreme Council of the Arab League Group, so that the reference of any document issued by one of the universities affiliated with the Arab League Group is the Supreme Council, which in turn issues the final approval of the documents, which is an integral part of them.

In the event that any document is issued by one of the universities affiliated with the Arab League Group for Science and Technology and it has not been issued a final approval from the Supreme Council of the Arab League Group, it is not considered an approved document and has no scientific and legal effect and is not approved in the educational system of the Arab League group from which the scientific document is issued.

This decision is applied in documents issued after the decision to form the Supreme Council.